I have receive many requests from my readers to publish a complete tutorial on how to submit blog sitemap in Bing. They told me that their blog posts are not getting index in Bing and Yahoo. That’s why today I bring this tutorial for all of you so that you can learn a best way to get all of your blog posts indexed in these search engines. Being indexed in all search engines increase our organic traffic that is must for success of our blog. Before I told you how to get blog posts indexed, let’s first learn how to submit blog sitemap in Bing.
How To Submit Blog Sitemap To Bing and Yahoo?
There is no need to submit the blog sitemap in Yahoo. Submitting blog in BING will do the full job. Now let’s start the tutorial.
1. Go to Bing Webmaster Tools and log in with your Hotmail Account.
2.Add your blog URL and click on Add button at the top of the page.

2.Add your blog URL and click on Add button at the top of the page.

4. Click on ADD button.
5. Now you need to verify your blog ownership by adding Meta tag in your blog template.
6. Copy the meta tag and perform below steps:
Go to Blogger > Template
Findand paste meta tag just below it
Save the template
You are done!
7. Now go back to your Bing Webmaster Tools page and click on Verify button.
8. If you have more than 500 published posts in your blog, then you must need to add more sitemaps. Go to your site dashboard in Bing Webmaster Tools and submit below sitemaps there.
For Posts between 501 – 1000http://www.infoblogmaz.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=501&max-results=500For Posts between 1001 – 1500http://www.infoblogmaz.com/atom.xml?redirect=false&start-index=1001&max-results=500
Now you have successfully added your blog sitemap. It can take few days, usually 3 days, to get index your blog posts.
Now your blog is ready to gain organic traffic from Bing and Yahoo. Congrats 

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